Every year, I do an end of year event for my past and current clients
And for the first time ever, I am opening it up to the public
It's so much fun to connect with this incredible community of badasses
I get the opportunity to pour into therapists, law enforcement, intelligence professionals, counselors, cyber-gurus, communications whizzes, policy officials, and many more amazing humans who want to change the world just like you
And this year, God hit me over the head with a two-by-four:
This year needs to be focused on letting go of scarcity mindset and embracing abundant thoughts
One of the key hallmarks of #impostersyndrome is thinking you often have to go it alone
You love collaborating with others
You believe we get better results when we do it TOGETHER
And shocker, you also know the mission gets done faster, more efficiently, and with better results
But you often have a hard time asking for help in creating your own dreams
All year, I've heard people dream out loud about the incredible solutions they know the world needs
And the same words always follow:
"...but I don't have the money to create it."
"...where am I going to find the resources? This thing feels so big."
"...I need [insert item]."
"...I don't know anything about money."
These all indicate you are in scarcity mindset
My company's mission is to rid the world of fear
And you guys, those thoughts are riddled with fear
You're deciding that you do not have
And so you create the reality you most want to avoid
But what if those resources have already been set aside
All you need to do is receive
I'm going to keep it real with you guys:
If most of you had a million dollars dumped in your lap for your mission, you would:
Think you were unworthy of such a generous gift
Second guess your ability to be a good steward of this resource
Self-sabotage yourself into still not doing what you want
Your problem isn't that you lack anything
It's that you don't know how to RECEIVE
We live in the richest country in the world
You can come here with zero dollars
The only difference between those people and you
Is they believe they are worthy of it
This course is not for the money-hungry or power-hungry
It is for those who want to start learning how to let go of their emotional baggage related to money
And start having a healthier relationship with it
If you walked around talking about how much you hate men or women when it comes to dating, do you think you're actually going to attract a mate?
Because your mind isn't open to that opportunity
But when you let go of scarcity and embrace what you already have
It opens the door for the resources meant for your project to flow to you
You guys have no clue how excited I am
We're going to have so much fun with the Monopoly theme I've built into it
I will teach you how to create your own money game
One that you can't lose
And because you guys subscribed to my blog, I'm giving you a 50% discount for the course
It's a three part event on Nov 5, 12, 19 from 7-8:30 pm EST (for US clients) and GMT (for European clients)
Go to the registration link:
And use code BOOYAH to claim your 50% discount
Remember, humble warriors...money is not something we accumulate just to be rich
It is a tool to help create the life and career you want
And that starts with choosing that YOU are the best investment of all
Ready to play?
Love, Alani